Since it launched in April 2022, the Worcester Community Garden has welcomed 150 volunteers and over 5,000 visitors. It is part of Transition Worcester and has established links with environmental groups, the NHS, and other voluntary sector organisations across the city.
The garden started with the aim of providing a safe, green space for visitors and volunteers, promoting chemical free gardening and biodiversity, and providing chemical-free horticultural education and training opportunities. They have held several events on site including an eco- fair, plant swap and a bug hunt for children.
Working with a wide range of partners and with funding support from the National Lottery and Worcester City Council, the garden grows from strength to strength. It now hosts an ‘outdoor public living room’ that invites people for a tea and a chat, and working with groups like Mencap they are supporting people with disabilities to learn new gardening skills.
“Worcester community garden has enabled our learners, who have a learning disability, to experience gardening, gain an insight into how things are grown and interact with people of different ages in the community.” Diane Hughes, Regional Program Coordinator for Mencap.
Poster: Worcester Community Garden
This story was created as part of the Celebrating Community Stories Project 2023 – 2024. Public Health at Worcestershire County Council worked with organisations across the County to find out what keeps Worcestershire healthy, active and creative. To find out more about the Community Stories Project visit Celebrating Community Stories (