Stay Connected Grants for community-based organisations have made a huge difference to the social wellbeing of residents since the launch of the programme by Worcestershire’s Public Health team in December 2023.
Supported by the Tackling Loneliness and Isolation Partnership, these small grants allow not-for-profit organisations including charities, social enterprises, and community groups to create new or expand existing projects which aim to bring people together and increase social connections.
With over 40 awards to date, grants have supported a range of fantastic initiatives including Community Cafes, support groups, and several arts, physical activity and nature-based projects. Importantly, connecting people with others in their local community.
Feedback from residents has been positive. Participants have seen improved wellbeing and have welcomed opportunities to meet new people and build meaningful connections.
One example of a successful project is the Wolverley Memorial Charitable Trust’s ‘Eat, Drink and Learn Clubs’. One participant said “The sessions have helped me to “re-enter the world” after feeling isolated for so long. I have regained confidence in meeting people and being in a small group”.
To read some more examples about how these grants have supported residents to improve their social wellbeing, please see the case studies below.
Eat, Drink & Learn Clubs at Wolverley Memorial Hall
Thursday Lunch Club at Perdiswell Young Peoples Leisure Centre
Gardening & Grow at the Listening Herd
To receive a grant, applicants are asked to demonstrate how their project or initiative will help individuals increase social connections. To find out more visit the website: The Stay Connected Community Grant | Worcestershire County Council