Overview: Quick Start Guide
Welcome to Worcestershire Insights, please find below our quick start guide with the essentials to get you navigating through the site from the home page.
Video 1. Demonstration of homepage
- Menu Bar
- Quick Profile
- Data Themes
- Quick Facts
1. Menu Bar
Home: This takes you back to the ‘Home’ page
Data: This gives access to the indicators used on the which are organised into themes
- Data Explorer – This can be used to build your own indicator list, map and view them in a table.
- Custom Area Reporter – This can be used to select your own sub-county areas and generate a report based on your selections.
JNSA: This links to the county’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
LG Inform: This links to the county’s LG Inform data.
COVID_19 Data: This links to the county’s COVID_19 and Vaccination dashboards.
Fingertips: This links to the PHE Fingertips website.
About: Brief explanation of the site with links to contact us and Accessibility statement.
2. Quick Profile
The ‘Quick Profile’ option on the homepage provides a profile of the main indictors used on the site for the Middle Super Output Area (MSOS) geography.
You can select the area you are interested in by clicking on it, or by searching the postcode in the search box. A range of indicators will be displayed from the current themes on the site:
- Population
- Economy & Employment
- Housing · Children & Young People
- Deprivation
- Crime & Community Safety
- Health & Social Care
- Environment
Video 2. Demonstration of using quick profile
3. Data Themes
The indicators in the ‘Quick Profile’ can also be accessed via the ‘Data’ button in the menu bar, or to right of the ‘Quick Profile’ section on the homepage.
Video 3 demonstrates using the data button from the menu bar to generate a local population data report.
Selecting other themes (Economy & Employment, Housing, Children & Young People, Deprivation, Crime & Community Safety, Health & Social Care, Environment) presents a similar view.
Video 3. Demonstration of using data themes
There are two other options available to view data from this theme: ‘Map’ and ‘Report’.
The ‘Map’ view, which is covered in a separate guide, allows the user to visualise any of the indicators in that theme on a map for various geographical areas within Worcestershire.
The ‘Reports’ view presents the data for different geographical areas within Worcestershire, which can be selected via the ‘Select A Geography’ box at the top of the page.
Geographies currently included on this site are Unitary Authority of Worcestershire (UTLA), Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), District and Ward.
To the right of each section in the report there is an icon that allows you to download data into excel.
You can copy each chart by right clicking on the chart and selecting ‘Save Picture As’. This will allow you to then insert them into other documents of your choice.
Video 4. Demonstration of using map and reports function within data themes
4. Quick facts
This section of the homepage provides you with charts trending data over a number of years for; Total resident population, Claimant count, Total number of businesses and Unemployment rate. By hovering over the charts the data is displayed.