A new Worcestershire County Council webpage has been created to share information on providing CPR…
Author: Amanda Berry

Public Health Grants For Schools
Public Health in Worcestershire have been able to set aside funding to enable small grants…

Worcestershire Health Champions
Our health champions are people who, either out of personal interest or as part their…

Help protect your future health by using a resistance band
Are you one of the thousands of people regularly using a resistance band? Do you…

Baton of Hope is coming to town… virtually!
Over the next few weeks, a Baton of Hope is touring UK towns and cities….

Clean Air Day
Councils across Worcestershire are asking people to take action and leave their car at home…

Stay well this Open Farm Sunday
Worcestershire County Council’s Public Health Team is reminding residents to stay well this Open Farm…

Loneliness is everyone’s business
Recent results have revealed that Worcestershire has the second lowest rate of loneliness in England….

Saving Lives with an ‘Orange Button’
The orange button is a small orange pin worn on an office lanyard or clothing…

Don’t let bugs spoil your fun on the farm
This summer, many families will be heading off to petting farms and zoos. It’s a…