Active Coffee Morning supports adults (of any age and all abilities) with cancer to increase their activity levels, socialise with others and improve their symptoms and mental health and wellbeing. The project is delivered by Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire and Active Always CIC.
The group combines physical activity with peer support and all sessions include time for coffee and healthy snacks. Over 30 patients have attended the sessions with new patients attending on a weekly basis. The participants have shown an improvement in physical strength, mobility, flexibility and balance whilst at the same time benefitted from improved confidence, self-esteem, life satisfaction and decreased levels of loneliness and depression.
“I would encourage anyone to join the group it is particularly beneficial to meet and know that everyone is either going through treatment or has past experience” Participant at Active Coffee Morning
This story was created as part of the Celebrating Community Stories Project 2023 – 2024. Public Health at Worcestershire County Council worked with organisations across the County to find out what keeps Worcestershire healthy, active and creative. To find out more about the Community Stories Project visit Celebrating Community Stories (